Home Remedies to Help Get Rid of Dark Spots
- Published in Makeup, Skin Remedies
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Do you want to know where you may go to get rid of those black spots over your face? You may most certainly blame those dark patches, called hyperpigmentation, on too much sun exposure. But here’s the thing: it’s not only environmental variables that contribute to those pesky black patches on your face and torso. Dark spots appear as your skin generates more melanin, the pigment that gives your skin its own color. We’ll show you how to create DIY skin treatments, including masks to eliminate dark spots using common household items.
Home Remedies to Help Get Rid of Dark Spots
Following are the natural remedies to get rid of dark spots. By following these dark spot remedies you can remove dark spots from skin:
Papaya is indeed a natural exfoliator used to treat anti-aging and dry skin through exfoliating the upper surface of skin cells and stimulating the creation of new ones. Mash ripe papaya in a dish and apply it to clean skin as a mask. Once the pulp has dried on the skin, gently massage it in a clockwise direction before rinsing with water and patting dry. Papaya is among the most adaptable fruits, ideal for all skin types and leaving your complexion with a gentle natural shine.
- Potatoes
Few individuals are aware that potatoes may brighten black stains. One method is to slice a potato and place it up on the surface of the dark areas. Then, allow it to sit on your face for another few minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Potatoes and honey may also be mixed to make a face mask.
- Tomatoes May Be Used to Repair Photo Damage
Rather than slathering it on the face, tomato performs effectively when eaten orally. According to 2011 research, individuals who consumed 55 milligrams of tomato paste containing olive oil per day were protected against both acute but also long-term photodamage caused by UV radiation. So why is tomato paste extremely potent? Tomatoes are naturally high in lycopene, a phytonutrient with many potential health advantages, including sun protection.
- Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera is a popular superfood with anti-inflammatory effects, particularly for individuals who have dark patches as a consequence of scarring. Aloe vera gel is indeed a tried and proven substance that is utilized on the skin. The substance may be consumed or administered topically, either directly or even in the shape of a pack. Cut a leaf and apply the sticky gel material immediately on the scarred area of the face. If you don’t have an aloe plant, aloe vera gel in over-the-counter packaging works just as well.